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10294 Interstate 30 Frontage Road
Little Rock, AR, 72209
United States

(501) 690-4673 provides prayer and scripture resources for students and churches to share Christ on their local school campus.


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Become a Prayer Zone Partner

The Commitment of a Prayer Zone Partner

* Believe that God will work through the Holy Spirit in 3 prayer zones as you pray.
* Commit to regular prayer for youth and children.
* Stand on the promises of God’s Word.
* Expect God to answer your prayers to save the souls of students.

Prayer Zone 1 - The Campus

(More scripture prayers like this can be found in Pray the Promises in our store.) “Lord, bless this school, may Your face shine upon the students and teachers and be gracious to them; may You turn Your face toward this school and bring peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 

Pray for administrators, teachers, and counselors, at your adopted school.

Pray for the school board and superintendent of the school district.

Pray for campus staff - cooks, aids, bus drivers, maintenance personnel, etc.

Pray for the campus Bible club to be used to reach the others with the love of Jesus.

Pray for strategic distribution of the Book of Hope.

Pray for Christian teachers and administrators to have Godly wisdom and strength.

Prayer Zone 2 - The Church

Pray for those ministries in your church that focus on youth and children.

Pray for the leadership of those ministries.

Pray for God to reveal way the church can minister to local schools.

Be a Godly role model for those youth and children that attend your church.

Prayer Zone 3 - The Community

Pray for the families in your neighborhood and community.

Pray that the hearts of unsaved youth and children would be open to the gospel.

Pray for the safety and security of the youth and children in the community.

Pray that God would raise up more positive influence for students in your community

Adopt a school