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10294 Interstate 30 Frontage Road
Little Rock, AR, 72209
United States

(501) 690-4673 provides prayer and scripture resources for students and churches to share Christ on their local school campus.

Using the Tools

Using the tools

You've committed to follow jesus at school as a campus missionary!

The Firepack is provided to help you grow in the 5 habits of a Campus Missionary. Here's how:

Fire Bible Student Edition: Look for Campus Missionary ideas on page 2275, and find many other notes throughout the Bible.

Book of Hope: Keep it in your locker or backpack and pray for the opportunity to share one with a friend.

"Ask Me About Jesus" Backpack Tag: Use these tools to start conversations about Jesus.

Using the Book of Hope: Before you give a magazine to someone, pray that God would open their heart to the Gospel.  In the front of the magazine, write a personal not to the friend receiving the book.  When you give a magazine to someone, say something like, "I think this will be helpful to you. I'd like to talk about it after you've read it." Have a follow-up conversation with the person a few days later.

After you've given away all the copies of the Book of hope in your firepack, you can request more at no charge!